Meeting Notes 8-13-24

Meeting Notes from the August 13, 2024 Meeting of the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners

Meeting Packet:

Meeting Video:

Sentinel Meeting Roundup:

Sentinel Tweet Thread:

Idema Explorers Trail Easement: The Board approved acquisition of an easement from the estate of Felix Bernard Pytlinske Jr. for construction of a portion of the Stearns Bayou Segment of the Idema Explorers Trail at a cost of $15,790.

Purchasing Card Policy: The Board approved the revised Purchasing Card Policy for a first reading.

2025 Capital Improvement Plan: The Board approved the 2025-2030 Capital Improvement Plan.

Setting of Public Hearing: The Board approved a public hearing on the 2025 Ottawa County budget for Tuesday, September 10, 2024 to be held in the Ottawa County Board Room, 12220 Fillmore Street, West Olive, at 1:30p.m.

EGLE Recycling Grant Amendment: The Board approved a contract amendment with EGLE (MI Dept of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy. Summary of Request: This amendment will extend the EGLE Infrastructure Grant agreement end date from September 30th, 2024 to September 30th, 2025.

Contract for the Provision of Sheriff’s Uniforms and Apparel: The Board approved a five-year contract with On Duty Gear for the Sheriff’s Office uniforms, apparel, accessories, and equipment. Approximate first year cost is $110,000.

Axon Body Cameras, In-Car Video, Tasers Contract: The Board approved a contract with Axon to replace all current tasers and purchase Body Cameras for each deputy and in-car video for each cruiser.

I was pleased to be able to vote yes on this investment in the safety of both our deputies and our residents. We have held this as placeholder since I first joined the Board, and it’s great to see this contract and the technological capabilities it implies.

Director of Recipient Rights Upgrade: The Board approved the request to upgrade the Director of Recipient Rights from a pay grade 11 to pay grade 13 at a cost of $1,489.

Contract for Countywide Courier Services: The Board approved a five-year contract for Ottawa County inter-office courier services and out-going mail pick up services at a total cost of $351,100.00.

FY2024 Budget Adjustments: The Board approved the FY2024 budget adjustments per the above schedule:\.

Public Health Union Contract Approval: The Board voted to approve the contract with the Public Health Union for the upcoming year.


Meeting Notes 9-10-2024


Meeting Notes 7-23-24