Meeting Notes 7-9-24

Meeting Notes from the July 9, 2024 Meeting of the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners

Meeting Packet:

Meeting Video:

Sentinel Meeting Roundup:

Sentinel Tweet Thread:

Community Mental Health Position Request: The Board approved the request from Community Mental Health to add one 1.0 FTE Business Analyst, Unclassified, pay grade 12, at a cost of $117,634 funded by Medicaid reimbursement.

Assessing Division Manager Pay Grade Change: The Board approved the request from Equalization to increase the pay grade for the Assessing Division Managers from a grade 11 to grade 13 at a total cost of $30,393.

Broadband Wired Infrastructure Expansion Agreement: The Board approved the Amendment to the Broadband Wired Infrastructure Expansion Partnership Agreement between Ottawa County and 123Net Inc.


In December 2023, the Board of Commissioners approved the original Broadband Wired Infrastructure Expansion Partnership

with 123Net. That contract was contingent on finalization of the State's ROBIN grant which was awarded to 123Net to

construct new middle mile fiber broadband infrastructure in qualifying areas of the County. Following a statutorily required

45-day comment period on the ROBIN grant, the State reduced the ROBIN grant award to 123Net. The original $14M grant was reduced to $8.83M which subsequently reduced the County's contribution from $7.5M to $4M. Miles of new fiber install reduced from 400miles to ~250miles. Households passed with new fiber install reduced from ~10k to ~6k. Department of Strategic Impact remains committed, with the support of the BOC, to continue to pursue opportunities to address all gaps in broadband access countywide. The intent is to utilize the remaining $3.5M of the original $7.5M the BOC committed to broadband access countywide to leverage necessary funds from other sources, such as the State's impending BEAD program.

This Amendment to the original Contract formalizes the refined contract terms between the County and 123Net. The final executed ROBIN Grant award between the State and 123Net is included as back-up.

Brownfield Plan Amendment, Prospect Flats: The Board approved the Brownfield Plan Amendment for Prospect Flats LLC located in the City of Hudsonville.

Brownfield Plan Amendment, Winsor Place: The Board approved the Brownfield Plan Amendment for Winsor Place located in the Village of Spring Lake.

Rooftop Repair and Safety Contract: The Board approved a contract for roof repair and installation of safety features at 3 County buildings for a total of $131,999.10.

Drain Revolving Fund Increase: The Board approved the request to allocate an additional $825,000.00 to the Department of the Water Resources Commissioner for their revolving fund. The goal is to increase theDepartment of Water Resources revolving fund from $175,000.00 to $1,000,000.00. Request is to add $825,000.00 to the revolving fund from the settlement received from the Monsanto lawsuit.

FY2024 Budget Adjustments: The Board approved the FY2024 budget adjustments per the attached schedule.

Operating Budget Policy: The Board approved the revised Operating Budget Policy for a first reading.

I voted no on the Policy because the revised policy on the Contigency Fund did not make it clear as to what the actual maximum amount of contingency might be.

Fund Balance Policy: The Board approved the revised Fund Balance Policy for a first reading.

Zeeland Township Trail Easement: The Board approved the granting of an easement to Zeeland Charter Township for construction of a public trail through a portion of the Upper Macatawa Natural Area.


Meeting Notes 7-23-24


Meeting Notes 6-11-24