ARPA Survey

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The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), a COVID-19 relief package, was signed into law in March 2021. This Act includes billions in federal funding for state and local governments. This federal aid is intended to address economic impacts of the pandemic and ensure a strong recovery. Determined to utilize these one time federal resources wisely, Ottawa County formed the American Rescue Plan Act Committee. Appointed by the Board of Commissioners, the Committee is comprised of community members representing a cross-section of local public and private organizations. The Committee's sole purpose is to guide the Board of Commissioners on how to spend the $57 million that the County has received from ARPA.

ARPA Committee members have identified needs within their area of expertise and are assisting County officials with drafting funding options and priorities. To ensure projects funded by ARPA dollars benefit all who live and work in Ottawa County, the Committee identified five categories, or "buckets", of high level priorities. The county will begin accepting project applications for the first round of ARPA funding during the summer of 2022 based on the five priority areas of need that have been identified by the Committee. To further inform the funding process for subsequent rounds of ARPA funding, Ottawa County is asking for resident and business owner feedback. The survey closes on July 31, 2022. Thank you for taking about 5 to 10 minutes to share your thoughts!

Click here to take the survey!

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2021 End of Year Summary