Meeting Notes 5-14-24
Meeting Notes from the May 14, 2024 Meeting of the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners.
Meeting Packet:
Meeting Video:
Sentinel Meeting Roundup:
Sentinel Tweet Thread:
Michigan Ag Preservation Fund Grant Agreement: The Board approved a grant agreement in the amount of $205,971 with the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for the purchase of an agricultural conservation easement.
Contract for Monumentation/Remonumentation: The Board approved the contract between Ottawa County and Tru-Line Surveying PC for services under the Monumentation/Remonumentation Program.
Assessing Services for Georgetown Township: The Board approved the contract to provide assessing services for Georgetown Township, plus recognize and appropriate contract revenue of $166,400 for Fiscal Year 2024.
Equalization Personnel Request to fulfill the Georgetown Township Assessment Agreement: The Board approved the request from Equalization to add one 1.0 FTE Assistant Assessor, two 1.0 FTE Appraiser I positions, two 0.3 FTE Appraiser II positions, and one 1.0 FTE Abstract/Index Clerk at a cost of $418,196 to be funded by the assessing agreement with Georgetown Township.
Project Support Specialist Pay Grade Change: The Board approved the request from the Department of Strategic Impact to increase the pay grade for the Project Support Specialist from a pay grade 4 to a pay grade 6 at a cost of $8,016.
Sheriff's Office Personnel Request - Transportation: The Board approved a proposal to add one, 1.0 FTE full- time, benefited Unclassified Transportation & Assets Coordinator position at universal paygrade 11 for a total cost of $117,120.
Michigan Medical Marihuana Operation and Oversight Grant: The Board approved a contract with Michigan Dept of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)
Public Health - Environmental Health Personnel Request: The Board approved the request from Public Health to add one 1.0 FTE Administrative Assistant II position at a cost of $90,398.
Mosquito And Tick Surveillance Grant: The Board approved a contract with The National Association of County and City Health Officials.
Water Monitoring Initiative Contract: The Board approved the contract to allocate $1,020,502 to the department of the Water Resources Commissioner. This allocation will support the Consulting Service Agreement for the proposed Ottawa County Water Monitoring Initiative.
Sheriff's Office Personnel Request - AV: The Board approved a proposal to increase the four (4) Audio Video Specialists, 1.0 FTE full-time, benefited Group T Level 7 to 1.0 FTE full-time benefited Unclassified Level 8 for a total cost of $16,142.
Idema Explorers Trail Team Pink Trail Easement: The Board approved acquisition of an easement from Team Pink Corp. for the purpose of constructing, operating, and maintaining a portion of the Bass River Segment of the Idema Explorers Trail at a cost of $10,000.
Appointments of Interim Administrator Anderson: The Board voted to approve the appointment of interim Administrator Anderson to three 93) different Boards, namely the Housing Commission, the Grand Valley Metropolitan Council and Lakeshore Advantage.
Officers’ Compensation Recommendation/Resolution: The Compensation Resolution was pulled from the agenda prior to the beginning of today’s meeting. It was pulled because two of the votes contained within the Resoltion do not apparently concur with state law.
I was disappointed in the Chair’s assignment of blame for the two votes to a resident volunteer on our Compensation Committee. We have extensive Administrative and Legal facilities to help our residents navigate their duties on our volunteer Boards, and it was very disheartening to hear the Chair’s rhetoric around this issue.
FY2024 Budget Adjustments: The Board approved the FY2024 budget adjustments per the above schedule.