Meeting Notes 10-25-22

Meeting Notes from the 10-25-22 Meeting of the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners.

Meeting Video:

Sentinel Article:

FY2023 Agreement for MSU Extension Services: The Board approved the FY 2023 Agreement for Extension Services between Ottawa County and Michigan State University Extension at a cost of $264,632.00.

Clerk/Register of Deeds Personnel Request Item: The Board approved the request from the Clerk/Register of Deeds to add one 1.0 FTE full-time benefited Elections Assistant position at a Group T Grade 5 for a total cost of $74,549.68.


Workload since 2020 has increased exponentially, and additional team members including the Clerk/Register, Chief Deputy Clerk, Chief Deputy Register and Vital Records/Register of Deeds have all had to step in to take on election-related responsibilities. The Elections Division has an annual average of 8 FOIA requests that must be processed. Since the 2020 Election, this number has grown to over 100 FOIA requests per year, which takes significantly more time to respond to. In addition, there is more interest in running for elected office at the local level, creating contested races in which candidates are spending more money. The Elections Division receives up to 4 financial reports from each local candidate a year and up to 5 financial reports annually from active Political Action and Ballot Question Committees. By the end of this election cycle (December 2022), the office will have received over 150 financial reports, with many reports over 100 pages in length. Each report must be reviewed to meet legal requirements, resulting in hundreds of hours of additional work. In addition, the number of communications with constituents has increase based on the current political environment we are experiencing. The proposal 22-2 on the ballot in November, if passed, would also have significant impact on the Elections Division, and additional staffing is imperative to continue to provide mandated services.

Inflationary Impact Payment: The Board approved the issuance of a one-time $5,000 Inflationary Impact payment to benefited employees and a $1,000 payment to non-benefited employees at a cost of $5,186,079 for the $5,000 payment.


The annual inflation rate was 8.3% in August 2022. A 2% cost-of-living adjustment was budgeted in the Fiscal Year 2023 budget for implementation on January 1, 2023. At the request of the Finance Committee, County Administration prepared options to provide a one-time payment in the amount of $3,000, $4,000 or $5,000 to permanent benefited employees in response to the current high level of inflation. This one-time payment, which would not count towards the employees' base wages, is for benefited employees (prorated based on FTE). In addition, a $1,000 payment will be provided to permanent, non-benefited part-time employees (excluding seasonal employees).

Approval of this one-time payment will be paid from an appropriation of fund balance committed to Board Initiatives from budgetary savings that resulted from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) projects. Through this motion, the Board appropriates $5,186,079 in Project BC2203 Inflationary Impact Payment. If eligible and available, the Inflationary Impact payment will be paid by grant funds dedicated to staff wages instead of Project BC2203.

I voted yes because I believe that the $5000 bonus is a reasonable step to help insure that our staff is able to navigate a difficilt inflationary moment, at the same time as backing our appreciation of their work over the past two years.

Parks Personnel Request: The Board approved the request from Parks and Recreation to reclassify the Coordinator of Interpretive Services at a Unclassified, Grade 11 to a Coordinator of Community Engagement at an Unclassified Grade U13 for a total cost of $10,886.47.


The responsibilities of the Coordinator of Interpretive Services, along with operational modifications, led to a change in the position requiring a review. The Parks Commission, at the August 2022 meeting, approved the consolidation of the Interpretive Services division and the Communications division into the Community Engagement Division. It is requested to change the title of the Coordinator of Interpretive Services to the Coordinator of Community Engagement and upgrade the position from an Unclassified, pay grade 11 to Unclassified, pay grade 13, at a cost of $10,886.47 to be paid with current appropriations.

FY2022 and FY2023 Budget Adjustments: The Board approved 2022 and 2023 budget adjustments per the above schedule.

I voted no the measure because of the adjustment 12-1674 for 45,194. I had voted no on the initial allocation of $141,400 for a single expert witness on 4-26-22 because I believed that far exceeded our normal expense structure for engaging experts in Ottawa County. The additional $45,194 only reinforces that point.

Ottawa County Central Dispatch Authority Restatement: The Board approved the Restated Agreement and Resolution to allow the Ottawa County Central Dispatch Authority to enable all citizens who receive OCCDA dispatch services to vote and be levied the same property tax, including the portion of the City of Holland that is located in Allegan County.


Upon voter approval, the restated agreement would allow incorporation upon, under Act 57, to extend millage financing to the portion of the City of Holland that is located in Allegan County.


Meeting Notes 11-8-22


Meeting Notes 10-11-22